
Let’s Learn together

Workshop Sign up

Understory Alliance is passionate about fostering a deeper connection between individuals and the natural world. Our workshops are immersive, hands-on learning experiences that educate and inspire lasting change, ensuring you become our planet's steward. These workshops cover diverse topics, comprehensively understanding the intricate relationship between people and the environment.

Our workshops span a broad spectrum of subjects, ensuring there's something for everyone. From biocultural conservation practices that honor traditional ecological knowledge to delving into the world of native and canoe plants, we offer a rich tapestry of topics. Whether you're interested in plant propagation or the profound wisdom of indigenous practices, our workshops are designed to meet your interests.

Our workshops are characterized by hands-on, practical activities that give you a tangible connection to the environment. You'll find yourself building compost systems that breathe new life into the soil, creating wildlife habitats that support local biodiversity, or engaging with communities to learn from their time-tested wisdom.

Understory Alliance's workshops are more than educational events; they are transformative experiences that ignite your passion for conservation, community, and the planet. Join us in these hands-on, holistic workshops and become an empowered steward of our natural world.

Stay Tuned for upcoming workshops, or feel free to reach out to request a workshop tailored to your group's needs and interests. Understory Alliance is your partner in this journey of exploration and discovery, and we look forward to learning and growing with you.