
Let’s Grow together

Education Inquiry

Understory Alliance offers enriching educational opportunities for K-12 classes, cultivating a profound connection between students and the environment through our Education Program. Our program is deeply rooted in the principle of reciprocity between students and the specific natural settings they engage with.

In our Education Program, K-12 students embark on a holistic learning journey, actively participating in various facets of conservation and ecosystem stewardship. Students may take on roles as planners, mappers, monitors, invasive species removers, and caretakers of mesic forests and riparian areas. This hands-on experience may be a one-time excursion to many repeated visits from the initial concept to the final project completion.

Our approach to education is grounded in the traditional ahupuaʻa model, which integrates the land and its communities. Students gain practical knowledge and hands-on experiences in biocultural conservation, botany, ecology, and Hawaiian cultural practices through this unique learning framework. This approach imparts valuable skills and forges a strong and lasting connection between the students and their environment, empowering them to take ownership and responsibility for their unique home and planet. It's a transformative educational experience that instills a profound sense of kuleana, fostering an enduring commitment to environmental stewardship.